
Might and magic 6 walkthrough
Might and magic 6 walkthrough

When you hit the bottom, run down the hall, ignoring the monsters until you get to a room with four paths. Fall down the hole on the right side of the room. Make sure you empty this room of enemies because it’ll come into play a little later. To cure radiation, bathe in any of the pools that you see in this entire temple. Pull out the Crystal Skull and hold it on the screen when you enter this room, or you will take radiation damage. Open the door and be prepared for an onslaught of more guardians. Activate the enemies behind it and kill them through the center of the door. Go back to where you entered the main room and head to the red door to the north. Take the gold, CRYSTAL SKULL, FLAME DOOR KEY, and CAPTAIN’S CODE SCROLL and exit this room through the secret door to the east that will lead you back to the main room. Kill the genies and press the switch to reveal a chest. Kill the guardians inside and go to the west door. Pick off the four defenders above you with arrows. They are also on the ledge to the far right of where you enter. There are very few enemies in this room, and they are hiding out in the corners on the higher levels. Now turn right and enter the main room of the pyramid. There are lots of genies and a couple of Sentinels in here. There are a couple more genies and some Defenders of Varn at the end. There are genies on both sides of the first hallway. What you need to do is set a beacon before the radiation room so you don’t get caught in a corner and can warp back when you want. And the last three are almost suicide to get. The main puzzle is to find the 6 code scrolls (and you have to find them too, or it won’t prompt you for a password). It has very powerful enemies and is gigantically enormously hugely big. The chest will give you up to 10000 gold 500 at a time (if you have not got any money on you it will give you 10k the go through the door that you see when you first went in run to your left when you go through it, run along the outside of the building until you see a strucsher sticking out of the building and click space on it till you go back to new s go to the bank there and deposit all your money there and do it again till you have all the money you want.This is, without a doubt, the hardest temple in the game. Then go to the first door on your right and go straight and you will will be in a big room.

might and magic 6 walkthrough might and magic 6 walkthrough

When you go in, go up the stars, go to the first door on your left and open it.

might and magic 6 walkthrough

Click space on the wall and you will go in. Click the space bar and run in to the building right in front of you and on the left side of the inside of the building there is a secret door. Go to the tree and look up using page down. (Note: you will need to go by dragons to do this and they spit out fireballs and can kill you if you are to weak) when you start off in new sorpigal, go to the building right behind the bank that looks like a T.

Might and magic 6 walkthrough