
Kuat drive yards puzzle
Kuat drive yards puzzle

kuat drive yards puzzle

  • Camera - Added a camera shake slider to allow players to reduce or turn off the camera shake in the game.
  • Players who are added to a Guild will now not be able to contribute to the Guild efforts until the end of the Conquest Event in which they were invited.
  • Conquest - Changes have been made to Conquests to ensure engaging and fair competition.
  • New rewards can be found at Giradda the Hutt on the Fleet and players will receive rewards based off of their highest ranked rating when Season 14 starts later this Spring!

    kuat drive yards puzzle

  • Ranked PvP Season 13 - Season 13 of Ranked PvP has come to a close.
  • Along with those changes, we've introduced Quality Locking, and a Weekly Cost Reset to give players greater chances for Amplifiers! Learn more about those changes here: Game Update 6.2.1 brings Amplifier changes!
  • Amplifiers - The Amplifiers user interface (UI) has been reorganized to have a better distinction between Amplifiers.
  • Rebalanced the difficulty and time they take to complete along with an increase to all loot drops.
  • Story and Veteran Mode are still available at level 70 while Master Mode now requires level 75.
  • Players will now be able to complete Uprisings at level 75 instead of being bolstered down to 70.
  • Our goal with these changes is to bring a more balanced experience:
  • Uprisings - Several changes have been made to Uprisings.

  • Kuat drive yards puzzle